There are many ways to get CBD. You have the freedom to choose how you want to reap its benefits. Because of their ease of use, dosing, and taste, edible products are very popular.
CBD gummies and CBD candies are edible products that provide the most simple CBD experience in terms of serving size and equipment. Each piece of CBD is precisely dosed, so you can know how much CBD you’re consuming every time.
What Is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD), a compound found within the hemp plant, is also known as Cannabis Sativa. Most people have heard that cannabis contains tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. CBD, unlike THC, has been federally legalized since the 2018 Farm Bill was passed.
To comply with federal regulations and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), our non-GMO US-grown hemp contains only trace amounts. These plants have a high CBD content with less than 0.3% THC. CBD isn’t psychoactive and doesn’t have the side effects often associated with THC.
Broad Spectrum Vs. Isolate CBD
You can choose from various forms of CBD that are found in different CBD products to get the best results.
CBD Isolate: This CBD isolate contains no THC and all other cannabinoids and flavonoids have been removed to ensure the purest form.
Broad Spectrum Cbd THC is not detectable, but other phytocannabinoids (including Terpenes) may be present.
Full-Spectrum Cbd: This includes all phytocannabinoids found within the hemp plant, with less than 0.3% THC.
Justcbdstore CBD edibles contain hemp-derived CBD Isolate, the purest form, so you can be assured that they are THC-free*.
CBD Has Potential Benefits
The research suggests that CBD interacts well with the ECS, which aids in the management of overall health and wellness. CBD has many benefits. We recommend that you use CBD responsibly daily to see how it affects your body.
CBD can help you feel calmer and more focused. CBD can help manage stress and anxiety. It is loved by athletes as it promotes healthy exercise recovery and helps ease joint and muscular pain.
CBD Edibles: Benefits
CBD gummies have become so popular because you only need to pop one in your mouth to enjoy them. If you decide to use them for CBD, there is no need to buy or transport any equipment.
There are many delicious flavors to choose from when it comes to CBD gummies or other edibles. Each container may contain a mixture of different fruit flavors. Our gummies are available in both regular and sour options.
Some CBD products can have a bitter, earthy taste. However, edibles provide a completely different experience. Justcbdstore CBD edibles taste great and don’t contain any earthy, bitter hemp flavors. just edibles are a great alternative to hemp if you don’t like the taste.
Which CBD Edibles Are Best?
Cbd Gummies
Justcbdstore CBD gummies come in both regular and sour flavors, giving you the flexibility to personalize your wellness program. Each 30-piece CBD gummy contains 10 mg each in a 300mg container. The new 750mg CBD gummy will be only available in sour flavors. Each CBD gummy contains 25mg of high-quality CBD isolate. Every bottle will contain a combination of cherry, tangerine, and lemon.
Cbd Hard Candies
Our CBD Hard Candies are the perfect edible product for you if the taste is your favorite thing. For a quick and effective relief, each long-lasting candy contains 25mg CBD. Five fruit flavors are included in the 10-piece pouch: watermelon, raspberry, and lemon.